
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
In case you couldn't tell from the title for whatever reason, today we're coming at you with a few topics. Our mini-topic for the day was a review of the Switch port of Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury. We discuss our thoughts on the game and the franchise as a whole before doing a deep dive into Mario lore. Our main topic for the day was Disney's Raya and the Last Dragon. We hope you enjoy the show!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Episode 17 - Nick-stalgia (Nick Toons)
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
We're back in front of the ol' telly today taking a trip down memory lane. We started out this episode thinking we'd spend about 30 minutes talking about our childhood cartoons in general. Well of course we wound up getting carried away and we talked for an hour and thirty minutes about only our childhood Nickelodeon. Hopefully you enjoy our Nick Toons nostalgia trip. Will we ever come back and go for Cartoon Network and others like we planned? Who knows. For today at least, enjoy our slime.
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Episode 16 - STAR WARS - Episode III - The Chancellor's New Groove
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
A long time ago in a parking lot far, far away....
We've come upon the last of the Prequels, everyone's favorite(?) Episode III Revenge of the Sith! This is a big one for us in that its the first time our podcast is actually LONGER than the movie we're talking about. Still not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... We say goodbye to the Prequel Trilogy and all the associated memes. We'll probably be waiting a little while before diving into the Original Trilogy but who knows. The Star Wars Special Edition will have to happen eventually. Until then, "may the Force be with you!"
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Episode 15 - Kevin‘s Whimsical Adventure (Studio Ghibli/ Akira)
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
We come to you today from the Parking Lot of the Rising Sun! This is our first time venturing into Kevin's Anime Corner. We'll be talking about a selection of Studio Ghibli films along with one of the most critically acclaimed anime movies ever, Akira. With how much anime Kevin watches, this could be the first of many or the very last time we do an episode like this. So get your bento boxes ready and enjoy!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Episode 14 - STAR WARS - Episode II - Insane Clone Posse
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
A long time ago in a parking lot far, far away....
Another Star Wars episode?! You betcha! We're attacking the clones today with a passion not seen in any of these movies. We go into full detail on Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones. There's a lot to be said and a lot left unsaid when it comes to this movie. We hope you enjoy our totally original take on the film. Until next time, "may the Force be with you!"
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Episode 13 - Parking Lot Popcorn (Pixar Popcorn Shorts)
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Today we have our shortest episode yet! After the two-part Netflix and Chill episodes and the long haul that was our first Star Wars Special, we thought we'd change it up a bit with a fun little episode. This episode, we talk about the new Pixar Popcorn shorts today and play a little guessing game. If Pixar can make a short skit version of their beloved movies then we can surely do the same with our (beloved?) podcast! You're not better than us Pixar!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Episode 12 - STAR WARS - Episode I - Taxation without Representation
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
A long time ago in a parking lot far, far away....
That's right! Today is the first of many in our Star Wars Special episodes. We thought a long time about it and decided we should give these movies as much attention as they deserve which means each movie is probably getting its own episode. Today we start at the beginning (or middle depending on who you ask) and have a long talk about Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
For those of you who don't enjoy Star Wars, we'll do our best to not make 10 straight episodes about them and try to space things out with other topics in between the Star Wars Specials. We plan on giving each of the Star Wars movies its time to shine before moving on to some other big dorky franchise. We've got a few ideas about what to do next already but until then, "may the Force be with you!"
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Episode 11-..... Chill (A Cobra Kai Review)
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
GET HIM A BODY BAG!!!! Now that Kevin has been rescued from the aliens, we can talk about the things that really matter. Like a continuation of a hit '80s movie series! Specifically, Cobra Kai! We've got the flips, kicks, and some hot wax on/wax off action that we know our listeners are here for. So put on your comfiest karate pajamas and tune in!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Episode 10 - Netflix and... (A We Can Be Heroes review)
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
What's up Lottie people!? Today we're discussing the new hit movie to come to Netflix this year. I know its probably our favorite movie of 2021 so far. 15 years ago the world was stunned by the release of the hit movie The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3D! Now, we can finally talk about the "sequel" We Can Be Heroes. Until of course Neil Anami shows up.
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Episode 9 - These Movies Had Some Soul (Soul/ Gladiator vs Patriot)
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
It's a brand new year folks! We give a brief recap of our 2020 before diving into a discussion of Pixar's Soul and then move on to our very first attempt at a Movie Face-Off, where two somewhat similar movies go head to head in a battle to see which is the best (or worst). This first Face-Off is between Gladiator and The Patriot so prepare yourselves. Thanks for listening and here's to 2021!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!