
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Episode 27 - Mortal Mombat (Mortal Kombat 90s & ‘21)
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
TEST YOUR MIGHT! That's right! Today's episode is (finally) about the Mortal Kombat movies. We sat down and watched the two classic '90s movies as well as the new Mortal Kombat movie that released a few months ago. Each one has its ups and downs so we did our best to take you through our opinions on the films and compare each one of them. Hopefully you consider this a... flawless victory... HEHEH.
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Episode 26 - Roseanne O‘Donnell (Roseanne Seasons 1-10)
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Hey everybody! In this episode, Kevin takes us on a terrifying journey through the nine hells, also known as seasons of Roseanne. Listen in as he walks us through these characters as they grow, change, and are recast over and over again. In my opinion, this may be our strangest episode yet. Hopefully all you Roseanne fans out there enjoy it!
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Episode 25 - Jeff Jam
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Did you leave last week just feeling like you didn't get ENOUGH Space Jam? Us too! There is an official sequel coming out (which I'm sure we'll talk about) but in the mean time, we decided we'd find out what a sequel to Space Jam COULD have been if we had been coked out Hollywood executives. So join us on this magical adventure as we brainstorm what we think the sequel to Space Jam should have been. And hopefully you like this format because we may be revisiting it in the future with other movies or franchises!
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday May 04, 2021
Episode 24 - The Podolak Files (Space Jam)
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
COME ON A SLAM! AND WELCOME TO the podcast. You guessed it! In this episode we talk about the strange cultural phenomenon known only as Space Jam. We talk about our history with the movie, our thoughts on our latest rewatch of the film, and our initial thoughts on the direction the franchise is heading. Hopefully you enjoy the show!
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Episode 23 - I Think I Get It (LOST Season 1)
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
BOOM! *close-up on eyeball* That's right! It's an episode of LOST. Today we embark on our journey through the show LOST. In this episode, we introduce the show and its characters and give a brief discussion about what goes on in Season 1 and our feelings towards it. We'll return to do more episodes on the rest of the series sometime in the future. We hope you enjoy!
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Episode 22 - Dude, Where‘s My Justice? (Dude, Where‘s My Car/ Justice League)
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Welcome back to Parking Lot: The Podcast! The only place in all of existence where you can get a commentary on Dude, Where's My Car AND Zack Snyder's Justice League all in one sitting. We take time to really put ourselves in the director's shoes and respect their vision and also we talk a little about Justice League. Really there's nothing more to say about it than that.
As always, follow us on Twitter @ParkingLotCast, and listen to us on Spotify, iTunes, and Podbean every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
Also, our Youtube page is now hosting our shows on a slight delay if that's more your speed!

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Episode 21 -Dragonite vs Grape Ape (Godzilla vs King Kong)
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
What's new Lotties? If you were listening closely, you might have noticed we changed up our theme song in a big way for the first time. After over 20 weeks, Pterrie finally figured out how to get GarageBand to send songs to his computer. He's on probation now. First up in our show today, once again we have our segment, Kevin Tries To Explain The Plot Of Old Godzilla Movies! Who knew it would come back so quickly? Afterward, to make things real exciting, we moved on to a discussion on our feelings toward Godzilla vs King Kong which just came out to theaters and HBO Max. We hope you enjoy a full hour of Godzilla goodness!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
What's up Lotties? We decided to take a small break from the format we've been doing recently and try to spice things up a bit. Instead of doing a review or a scene-by-scene replay like we've been doing a lot lately, we're bringing you three original segments that we may or may not come back to in the future! First up, an international favorite, Kevin Tries To Explain The Plot Of Old Godzilla Movies which is self explanatory. Then we move on to Random Arguments With Kevin, once again self explanatory. After that we shake it up with another segment called The List, which you'll have to hear for yourself. We hope you enjoy this strange episode!
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Parking Lot: The Podcast: The Trailer
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Here's a quick trailer for all you people who are on the fence.

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Episode 19 - Papa Kent Knows Best (Man of Steel)
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Hey all you Lotties! Zack Snyder's new Justice League cut came out this past week so we decided to throw it back a bit and revisit where the DCEU all began, Man of Steel. Join us on our journey of pain as we try to wade our way through this movie but end up desperately talking about RocketMan instead. We'll make our way to Justice League... eventually.
As always, find us on Spotify and iTunes every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM EST!
And here's our pointless YouTube link!